Opening hours today for Sorel

05:00 - 20:00

Open now, until 20:00
  • Monday: -
  • Tuesday (today): -
  • Wednesday: -
  • Thursday: -
  • Friday: -
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed


🕗 Sorel hours in Ottawa, K2A 0E8

K2A 0E8 366 RICHMOND RD Ottawa, ca
Tel: 613-729-2700
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Founded in 1962 in Canada, SOREL brings its functionality and heritage of expert craftsmanship to the modern world of fashion, where it is inspiring a new generation of doers, builders, and creators. And though SOREL makes more than just boots, there’s a boot in everything SOREL makes. SOREL combines felt, wool, premium leather, and flawless construction with people who aren’t afraid to get their boots dirty.


Nearest Sorel stores, Sorel Ottawa MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT COOP

Vans Store Ottawa NRML SELECT, Ottawa

318 RICHMOND RD, 190.4 m

Open now, until 17:00

Vans Store Ottawa KIDDIE KOBBLER, Ottawa

393B Richmond Rd., 127.4 m

Open now, until 17:00

Sorel Ottawa THE EXPEDITION SHOPPE 2, Ottawa

369 RICHMOND RD, 32.5 m

Open now, until 20:00

Sorel Ottawa WEST END KIDS, Ottawa

373 RICHMOND RD, 49.2 m

Open now, until 20:00

Sorel Ottawa TANDA SHOES, Ottawa

356 RICHMOND RD, 48.4 m

Open now, until 20:00

Roots Ottawa Westboro, Ottawa

348A Richmond Road, 77.2 m

Open now, until 18:00